
New start for a new year

The new principal with his wife has moved in to the Londua principals house, job descriptions and responsibilities have been assigned to all teachers and staff and the students are still arriving. The numbers are not as high as we had hoped although well up on last years numbers. Our aim is to raise the level of technical teaching at Londua including the basic academic subjects and to achieve this in a stimulating Christian environment. There are plans in progress for 2 new bush staff houses this year with the help of East and North Ambae and West Ambae communities. The water storage capacity will be increased over the next few months and the kitchen and cooking area is to be upgraded. The funding for the new toilet and wash rooms is coming shortly and we have the local community support to assist the students with construction. The photocopier stopped working which made the teachers preparation difficult but with the help of the internet we have reset the drum clock and it is working again. New gardens are being planted to supplement the student rations. Thank you to all who have assisted in the life of Londua Technical College and to those who have recently given support and assistance in Londua’s development into a full technical college.