
2010 work teams

Another year and some more groups of fortunate individuals signing up to volunteer their services to assist Londua Technical College. Mid July sees a team from Queensland with a couple of ring-ins for Adelaide at Londua for 2 weeks. Early August a team from Epping in Sydney. Latter in August sees a team from Toowoomba in Queensland. And November possibly an Aboriginal group from Esperance in Western Australia. There has been some rain on West Ambae lately so the tanks have water which is great. The materials have arrived on site so it is just time until the building work starts. It is really encouraging to see the donations for materials coming in. A very big thank you to each and every person that has seen the need. Londua has around 140 students at the moment all busy learning Construction, Mechanics, Agriculture and Tourism. Londua has signed an MOU's with the Government run Vanuatu Institute of Technology to step up the the next level of recognition and responsibilities. This is a major step in the recognition of Londua providing high quality rural based vocational training. We thank the members of the Londua Council, the Vanuatu Conference Education Authority Secretary and the Londua Principal and staff as they continue to lift the qualiy of training for the rural students in Vanuatu.